BeNeering - Cloud Procurement

Take advantage of the flexibility and scalability of the cloud without sacrificing the control and adaptability of an on-premise solution. In combination with the user-friendly interface of BeNeering Guided Buying, your purchasing process will not only be easier, but also faster!

Your All-In-One Guided Buying Solution for optimized Procurement Processes

BeNeering not only offers one of the most advanced Guided Buying solutions on the market, but with its Real-Time Procurement it also offers an unrivaled opportunity to retrieve data from your SAP ERP system.

This not only optimizes the procurement process in your company, but also makes it less complicated. Fewer clicks, tools and systems, and just one database in your SAP ERP system that can be accessed directly.

Your users will appreciate the Amazon-like, self-explanatory Guided Buying and your buyers will have more time for their core tasks. The entire procurement process, from determining requirements to order processing, is covered and made more efficient by BeNeering.

What are the advantages? What can we guarantee you? Read on and feel free to contact us. We look forward to talking to you!

parasus - Your Implementation Partner!

Why parasus? What do we do?

As an implementation partner, we ideally complement BeNeering's solutions with a shared commitment to honesty and transparency in our working methods. These values form the basis for an uncomplicated and structured cooperation in which we act as equals and complement each other perfectly.

Not only do we have extensive know-how in the implementation of eProcurement solutions, but our SAP expertise also ensures the smooth integration and adaptation of BeNeering technology to your specific requirements.
Together, we strive to create added value and support your company in making your procurement processes more efficient and effective.

References and more information!

BeNeering References

Introduction of BeNeering Guided Buying and Real-Time Procurement at our customer in Ludwigsburg

As a leading manufacturer of liquid and air filter systems with a strong drive for innovation, our customer was looking for a purchasing platform that was both fast and user-friendly and could be seamlessly integrated into the existing IT landscape. The solution: BeNeering Guided Buying with Real-Time Procurement.

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BeNeering Customer Days 2024: Customer Orientation and Innovation

On September 24 and 25, the BeNeering Customer Days 2024 took place in Dorsten, where customers, partners and industry experts came together to discuss current trends and innovations in the field of procurement. As an implementation partner of BeNeering, we were also represented.

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BeNeering Services

BeNeering Best-Price-Logic

Realize direct savings when you shop - new feature actually finds the best price in BeNeering Guided Buying.

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BeNeering Company

Partnership – BeNeering and parasus

At parasus we recognised the customers’ necessity to implement a tool which is as simple as the well-known webshops that everyone uses in their daily lives. By partnering with BeNeering, we can now provide the customers with a tool which is not only simple to use but brings real-time procurement to a whole new level.

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What characterizes BeNeering?

BeNeering offers you a comprehensive and integrated solution for the entire procurement process that increases both efficiency and transparency and supports companies in successfully implementing their procurement strategies.

Guided Buying

The intelligent search field is the core of Guided Buying. Ideally, your employees will use it to find everything they want to buy, similar to Amazon. Regardless of whether the items, resources or services can be found in a catalog or marketplace.

Guided Buying is designed to encourage catalog orders and minimize free text orders. If something cannot be found via search, there are customizable (DC) forms to enable free text orders – as easy or inconvenient as you like.

Quotations and tenders are of course included, as is the ability to tailor Guided Buying to your business.

Service Procurement

BeNeering Guided Buying offers the Service Procurement module so that services can be procured easily and invoiced securely and with minimal effort. Services can be part of a catalog, your contracts can be directly accessible and this makes it easier to offer services as catalog orders.

Service providers can record their services directly in the supplier portal and with the SAP credit memo procedure, billing can be carried out immediately without any additional work for your purchasing department.

Secure, simple and easy for everyone involved.

Simple Sourcing

Simple Sourcing offers an intuitive collaboration between you and your suppliers, because price inquiries are directly included in Guided Buying. These are communicated directly to your suppliers via the cloud and they can respond either in the supplier portal or by email.

You receive all offers back in an overview and can select what you would like to order from which of your suppliers.

Catalogs + Marketplaces

You can achieve even easier and simpler supplier collaboration with BeNeering’s catalog management. Here, too, you benefit from an ideal combination of service and automation!

The B2B marketplace integration expands your product range, while the management of orders in your SAP ERP remains unchanged. This ensures that all purchases are processed transparently and in accordance with the applicable regulations. You also benefit from simplified billing, as only one vendor needs to be managed.

Supplier Management

Smooth and fast collaboration with suppliers is particularly valuable, especially in the area of catalog management. This ensures that your product information is always up-to-date and at the same time significantly reduces administrative work.

Efficient communication and fast feedback help your suppliers to update their catalogs promptly, which in turn leads to improved data quality and a smooth procurement process. This allows you to use your resources more effectively and reduce costs.

Digital Cloud Forms

Die Digital Cloud Forms bieten eine fortschrittliche Möglichkeit, das Interface von BeNeering Guided Buying individuell und über den Standard hinaus anzupassen. Diese Technologie ermöglicht es, spezifische Kundenfelder zu erstellen, die bei Bedarf mit Standardfeldern in Ihrem SAP ERP System integriert werden können.

Die Felder umfassen Freitextfelder, Selektionsfelder und Mehrfachselektionsfelder, die Werte direkt aus dem Backend auslesen können. Abhängig von den Einträgen in diesen Feldern können dynamisch neue Felder angezeigt werden und das Systemverhalten wird entsprechend angepasst. Dies bietet Ihnen maximale Flexibilität, da spezifische Abläufe im BeNeering Guided Buying abgebildet werden können.

Your benefits with BeNeering!

Data in the ERP

Master and transaction data are stored in your ERP, no replication or redundancy.

Logic in the ERP

Logic remains in the ERP, the cloud serves as a “GUI”. Knowledge stays with you.

Catalog Order Rate

70% - 95% catalog order rate. Away from free text.


Automated product group, supplier and “much more” search.

Best Price + Price Comparisons

Optimized purchasing costs.

Lower IT Costs

Less hardware, fewer interfaces, less support, ...

Data in the ERP

Master and transaction data are stored in your ERP, no replication or redundancy.

Logic in the ERP

Logic remains in the ERP, the cloud serves as a “GUI”. Knowledge stays with you.

Catalog Order Rate

70% - 95% catalog order rate. Away from free text.


Automated product group, supplier and “much more” search.

Best Price + Price Comparisons

Optimized purchasing costs.

Lower IT Costs

Less hardware, fewer interfaces, less support, ...

What sets BeNeering apart from other eProcurement solutions?

Perfect integration with your SAP ERP system. No other eProcurement solution offers such seamless integration.
You work with your master and transaction data in the ERP system at all times, there is no data synchronization or replication. Everything happens in real time, whether you are creating a BANF or purchase order, posting a goods receipt - everything is immediately visible in the SAP system.
In the same way, your set of rules, for example from your workflow, is maintained in the ERP system and can be adapted by you at any time.

All in all, BeNeering offers an efficient, integrated and adaptable eProcurement solution that offers clear added value compared to traditional approaches thanks to its direct integration, up-to-date data management and flexible customization options.

Meet us at the eLÖSUNGSTAGEN 2025!

13.–14. Mai 2025 | Düsseldorf | #skillup4digital
We will be there and look forward to exchanging ideas with you! Let's talk about digital solutions and current trends together.
Make an appointment now & meet in person!

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Your contacts for all things BeNeering!

Reach out today to discover how BeNeering can boost your efficiency, enhance transparency, and empower you to create time-saving processes.

Hermann Ebert

Head of BeNeering


Thomas Lupton



Tatjana Kreuzberg

Sales Manager


Learn more!

If you have any questions or want to set up a non-binding conversation, contact us!