
Automation Degree of 93%: More Time for Strategy With Lower Costs for EnBW

On the way to efficiency – learn how EnBW drastically reduced manual tasks in operational procurement with the help of parasus and achieved an automation level of 93%.


The EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG realized that automation is a journey. It describes the way of adopting new technologies, analysing, and improving processes, but especially encouraging the own organisation to join.

As a result, the first step is to determine the as-is situation of the processes. Together with the parasus, EnBW outlined the current system landscape and identified white spots for potential optimisation and automation.

The ambitious project objective was clearly determined: Automation of 80% of all non-value-adding activities within the operative procurement.

„Nobody really believed us and that we could achieve our goal of automating 80% of non-value-adding manual activities in procurement – we even achieved 93% in the end. “

Miljenko Galic
Head of Procurement CTEPP Automatisierung, EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG


During the next 9 months, the procurement organization, key users, IT and the specialists from parasus cooperated to convert, optimise and enhance the existing SAP systems ERP MM, SAP SRM and SAP SLC during 4 sprints and a productive implementation.

In detail

As a result, the project goal was exceeded, as further potential was discovered and implemented during the project.

Together with EnBW, we have thus achieved

The next milestone included the further automation of the ordering process, improving the cooperation with suppliers and making sensible use of software to support the procurement processes with artificial intelligence. We at parasus are delighted that we were able to support EnBW on this journey.

Published on 18. January 2021